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 Polaroid has been a trusted global brand for 80 years and is best known for pioneering instant photography since Edwin Land first conceived of the instant camera in 1943. We embrace the nostalgia inherent in our past, allowing us to embrace old technologies through new technologies and beyond. Today we celebrate our heritage and bring it forward through our products, services and brand promise. We are committed to delivering instant gratification that connects the world through sharing.  In fact, we consider ourselves to be the original social sharing brand.



As a member of the Biometrics Institute of Australia, Brands Australia is the leading supplier of Biometric certified passport systems in the Asia-Pacific region. Our suit of Passport Photosystems are available for all business-sized from a corner shop to a government organisation, we have a solution that will suit. ID Station Biometric Passport Photo Systems offer a compliance check against over 100 specifications outlined by ICAO to ensure they meet the strict Biometric standards required for passport photos. Customers can also receive an access code that enables them online access to their passport photos, which is available for certain countries. 


Photography is an ever-changing art form – but despite its ups and downs in the last few decades, instant film photography hasn’t changed much since the release of the SX-70 back in 1972. The founder of MiNT felt that there was still more to be done and chose to carry on that legacy. He decided to create his own line of products that would marry modern innovations in technology with the timeless, familiar design of the SX-70 to keep the magic of the Polaroid experience alive.


Kodak is a technology company focused on imaging. We provide – directly and through partnerships with other innovative companies – hardware, software, consumables and services to customers in graphic arts, commercial print, publishing, packaging, entertainment and commercial films, and consumer products markets. With our world-class R&D capabilities, innovative solutions portfolio and highly trusted brand, Kodak is helping customers around the globe to sustainably grow their own businesses and enjoy their lives.

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